Saturday, May 21, 2016

Among the business communication textbooks currently on the market, Bovee and Thill lead the field. Their three textbooks are Business Communication Today, Excellence in Business Communication, and Business Communication Essentials.

Why Bovee and Thill Business Communication Textbooks Set the Standard by Which Other Textbooks Are Judged

Market-leading innovation. For more than three decades, Bovee and Thill texts have pioneered coverage of emerging trends and their implications for business communication, from the earliest days of digital communication via email and instant messaging through multiple generations of online and social media and now to the profound changes that mobile communication is bringing to the business world.

Up-to-date coverage that reflects today's business communication practices and employer expectations. Technological advances, globalization, shifts in employment models, and other forces have dramatically changed the practice of business communication in recent years, even to the point of altering how people read and how messages should be constructed. To prepare students for today's workplace, the business communication course needs to address these contemporary skills, issues, and concepts. You can count on Bovee and Thill to provide you and your students with up-to-date coverage and materials.

Practical advice informed by deep experience. Beyond the research and presentation of new ideas and tools, Bovee and Thill are among the most active and widely followed users of social media in the entire field of business communication. They don't just write about new concepts; they have years of hands-on experience with blogging, content curation, search technologies, and other important tools. They are active participants in more than 45 social media sites.

Engaging coverage of real companies and contemporary issues in business communication. From chapter-opening vignettes to model documents to student activities, Bovee and Thill texts emphasize companies and issues that students already know about or are likely to find intriguing. For example, cases in recent editions have addressed the challenges of communicating with mobile audiences, employer restrictions on social media, and the use of Twitter in the job search process.

Integrated learning. In sharp contrast to texts that tack on coverage of social media and other new topics, Bovee and Thill continually revise their coverage in order to fully integrate the skills and issues that are important in today's workplace. This integration is carried through chapter-opening vignettes, chapter content, model documents, end-of-chapter questions, communication cases, and test banks to make sure students practice the skills they'll need, not just read about them in some anecdotal fashion.


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